About a year or so ago I decided to try and lose weight and get a bit more active. It’s the same old cliché, I stopped playing any sport after an active childhood and I’d let myself go a bit. I thought I knew enough to get back into reasonable shape and after some initial success, I quickly plateaued.
I turned to my brother Andy (which doesn’t mean this review is automatically bias), who really has taken my training to the next level and changed my attitude towards my diet and nutrition. I signed up for his 12 week Evolve Natural Fitness and recover programme, which incrementally made changes to my lifestyle.
First by introducing me to new workout routines tailored to my needs - I have old football injuries which include ligament reconstruction in my knee and herniated discs in my back. As the weeks progressed I found myself getting more confident in my ability to perform exercises I would normally shy away from for fear of aggravating these injuries again. We would train online every two weeks (PT) to tailor work outs and we would catch up weekly to further discuss my progress so I always felt supported. Working out never got boring or repetitive.
The most significant change for me however was how Andy developed my understanding of food and nutrition without it overwhelming me. Learning what type of food is good or bad, how many calories I should be eating, what percentage of macro-nutrients should aim for, has always seemed like a chore. But Andy’s guidance documents along with telephone conversations when I had other further questions made it clear and easy to understand. The keyword again is incremental changes which have now become habitual, my diet is better than ever.
I cannot recommend this programme enough. The best thing for me is that it is giving me the tools I need along with the motivation and enthusiasm to keep going and progress even further.