Reach Your Goals

With expert personal training and specialist programmes delivered with passion, fun and care

Why choose evolve natural Fitness?


Evolve Natural Fitness is about working with and inspiring others to recover their fitness, reach their goals and be the best that they can be. Nothing makes me happier than helping people with their fitness, health and sporting goals. I am on a journey through to 50, 60 and beyond, determined to remain a useful, physically able, sports participating, competitive human and I want to be the catalyst for others out there to do the same.

I passionately believe that fit people can be made through understanding how our bodies function and by being sympathetic towards how we are designed to exist and thrive.

When you combine that focus with modern day exercise science, anatomical understanding and nourishment availability, we can accomplish great things, no matter what the starting point, or end goal is.

If you are looking to optimise your performance and be the best that you can be – I’m with you, I am pushing for the same ….


Passion Led Us Here.

Health & fitness transformation

After transforming my own health and fitness in my late 20's, I became very good at recovering the health and fitness of others. I soon realised, that the structure, accountability and motivation that a PT offers, is hugely valuable to busy but determined people. I also felt that my knowledge through my formal Personal Training, Fitness and nutritional training/qualifications, combined with my endless research and reading, could be summarised neatly, focused in on some key concepts and principles that I believe anyone can follow and live by. Furthermore, I was finding that people wanted to learn 'how' to manage themselves and they were intrigued as to 'why' principles worked. My style as a PT has always been to explain what we are doing in sessions. In this confusing world which is full of fads, conflicting information, claims and counter claims, I was without initially realising it, coaching my clients on what was important and what actually worked. As part of a PT Journey with me, I was helping my clients to filter through that confusion, passing on my study (and ongoing obsession with the science), in shortened 'big quick win chunks'. I was creating mini me's - people capable of managing their own health and fitness, who were also hooked on their new healthy and fulfilling lifestyles. I started to put pen to paper on what the key principles were, which exercise routines were most effective, making note of what changes made the most impact and when. I became further fascinated by human capacity (or lack of) to make lots of change in one go. I took courses in executive coaching and indulged myself in pshychology and change principles to understand more. This helped me further develop the notion that small changes, bit by bit, supported by learning, build up to long lasing, life long change. The Evolve Natural Fitness recovery programme was born! (and the book will be published one day!). I then realised, that I could bring what I was doing to others, without the constraints of geography. Through educational material, online personal training, phone based coaching, exercise prescription and staggered change instructions, I could reach others and deliver them the same change experience. Today, the programme is practiced, tested and has worked for many in its remote and online fashion, on top of my historic face to face personal training. My goal is to have helped 100's of people to have recovered their fitness and health, to have discovered their inner gorilla! Are you ready?

Personal Training - "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts".

Making Fit People - that is what it is all about. I love working with people on a one to one Personal Training basis. The relationships you build, the accountability you provide, the difference you make gives me real reward. I love getting under the skin of what works for people. I love working out what people need. I also appreciate that most people are not 100% ok at their starting point. I therefore also do all I can to upskill myself around human movement, anatomy, injuries, illnesses, diseases, health overall. I'm the sort of guy who reads who reads physiotherapy and medical text books for fun! My belief is that you can learn a lot from various modes of training. Sports and Athlete Strength & Conditioning, Functional Movement, Pilates, Kettle bells, Cross fit, Bodybuilding, Yoga, Natural Movement... etc etc. They all have value, they all have their place. I make it my business to explore and understand them all. However, the most important thing is Health. That is where the 'Natural' part of my approach comes in. Whilst principles of all of the above can be helpful, when things become un-natural, through PED's, drugs, gimmicks etc, then they become damaging. That is at the centre of what I do - performance and physique improvement yes, but to the detriment of Health, never .... NO! Overall my philosophy is that we can make fit people through understanding our human bodies and being sympathetic towards how we are designed to live and function. By combining that with modern day science and utilising it in such a way that restores and creates our natural health and vitality, we can accomplish great things.

Sports Strength & Conditioning

I provide bespoke sports training programmes to cover injury prevention, strength and conditioning, speed and agility to current or aspiring athletes. Specialising in tennis and obstacle course racing, but with the knowledge base to programme for all sports, I indulge in my passion and use my experience / expertise in the areas of fitness, nutrition, personal training, movement and strength and conditioning to develop bespoke programmes for those who are serious about their sport, whether they be amateur, aspiring or professional.

Ready to take the first step towards reaching your goals?

From one 2 one personal training, to online Evolve Natural Fitness and Nutrition programmes and specialist sports conditioning, I make sure your personal programme delivers results.

Get in touch to start shaping your personal fitness and nutrition programme today.

An Awesome PT!

I have been training with Andy for four months, my goal was to improve my fitness but also to specifically improve my tennis game: to improve my speed; stamina; power; and to also strengthen my body to reduce my risk of injury. Andy is highly motivational, enthusiastic and the sessions are always great fun. No two sessions are the same and a lot of planning goes into his delivery to make the sessions valuable. I have benefited from the fitness it has given me, both on court and in everyday life. An Awesome PT!

Jonathan Peachey, Business Owner & Tennis Fan - Farnham, Surrey

Attentive and Approachable at all times

I have worked with Andy over the last two years to keep on top of my fitness. He responded positively to my needs, balancing my gym requirements with sound nutritional advice, which I try to follow! He is attentive and approachable at all times; this is coupled with an obviously sound knowledge and application of fitness and food requirements for a healthy lifestyle. I would thoroughly recommend him to a new starter or somebody that wants to improve further.

Chris James, Management Consultant - Ropley, Hampshire

I am feeling so much better in myself

I have been one of Andy's clients now for nearly 3 months. I met with him originally from a recommendation of a friend as I had severely high blood pressure and was 'out of shape'. Andy has worked with me extremely well and has only pushed me as far as I can go unlike so many other PT's that just don't understand the constraints of high blood pressure. Through my sessions with Andy, I have seen a dramatic reduction in blood pressure, which was the main goal, but as an aside, I have lost over a stone in weight and 5% body fat. I am feeling so much better in myself, I have more energy, and I can now chase after my kids and have fun with them on weekends without getting worn out and feeling dizzy. Unlike any other PT, Andy has managed to turn me into a bit of a fitness freak as now I am constantly checking what I am eating to ensure its of whole food nutrition, and also I am exercising so much more than I used to and actually enjoying it. Thanks so much Andy, I owe you a lot!

Alex Minnett, Company Director - Ropley, Hampshire

Andy helped me to overhaul my diet

I contacted Andy in the summer having come to the conclusion that the only way I was going to get healthier was with some help. I found Andy on the internet and decided to call him, we met for a coffee and chatted about my desire for a better lifestyle, but just found making the changes too hard and never managed any lasting change. Andy helped me to overhaul my diet, with good education and a guide for meals. He has also taken me through his three stage exercise plan, which has been amazing. I can now run a good distance at a good pace, keep up with my children in the park, and run up the stairs at work without being tired. I have more energy, have lost the weight I needed to lose and feel so much better about my future health. He has really helped me to turn my life around, and has done it in a supportive way that has never left me feeling bullied or pushed too far. The best thing is that he has taught me how to maintain myself so I can keep everything going and not slip back into my old habits. Thanks Andy!

Brett Garner, Practice Principal Dentist, Four Marks, Hampshire

Pushing you to achieve goal after goal

I highly recommend Andy as a Personal Trainer. From the start Andy was able to gauge my level of fitness and create a program that has helped me improve my strength and stamina very quickly without the pain I was expecting. Andy’s program has improved my core strength and balance and he’s friendly and supportive pushing you to achieve goal after goal without you even realising you’ve just pushed through the barriers. Andy explains the program he gives you making it something you can continue to use to keep improving your fitness after your sessions have finished.

Hayley Roaf, Project Manager - Surrey

Steady and consistent progress

I contacted Andy initially with the motivation of having some help around exercise structure and diet to get my back into some sort of shape that resembled the younger me (having hit 40, I had gained quite a few stone!). His 3 stage programme was amazing, I saw steady and consistent progress and found the notion of making small changes week by week to lead to longer lifestyle adaptions such a good idea. I am now well past the 3 stages and am training seriously (with Andy’s help). I have caught the fitness bug and am regularly taking part in Obstacle course races and chasing a dream that I thought would never happen (a 6 pack ready for the summer). I am in better shape now than I was in my 20’s and I am forever grateful for Andy’s support.

Richard Bradstock, Software Programmer - Four Marks, Hampshire

Exceeded expectations!

Exceeded expectations! The Evolve Natural Fitness and Nutrition programme has completely changed my lifestyle. I feel fitter and stronger than ever. Andy's vast nutrition experience is unparalleled and his motivation will ensure you hit your targets at every stage of the programme. I never expected such a dramatic transformation in such a short space of time. Thank you!

James Barrett, Digital Projects Manager - Guildford, Surrey

Taken my training to the next level

About a year or so ago I decided to try and lose weight and get a bit more active. It’s the same old cliché, I stopped playing any sport after an active childhood and I’d let myself go a bit. I thought I knew enough to get back into reasonable shape and after some initial success, I quickly plateaued.

I turned to my brother Andy (which doesn’t mean this review is automatically bias), who really has taken my training to the next level and changed my attitude towards my diet and nutrition. I signed up for his 12 week Evolve Natural Fitness and recover programme, which incrementally made changes to my lifestyle. 

First by introducing me to new workout routines tailored to my needs - I have old football injuries which include ligament reconstruction in my knee and herniated discs in my back. As the weeks progressed I found myself getting more confident in my ability to perform exercises I would normally shy away from for fear of aggravating these injuries again. We would train online every two weeks (PT) to tailor work outs and we would catch up weekly to further discuss my progress so I always felt supported. Working out never got boring or repetitive.

The most significant change for me however was how Andy developed my understanding of food and nutrition without it overwhelming me. Learning what type of food is good or bad, how many calories I should be eating, what percentage of macro-nutrients should aim for, has always seemed like a chore. But Andy’s guidance documents along with telephone conversations when I had other further questions made it clear and easy to understand. The keyword again is incremental changes which have now become habitual, my diet is better than ever. 

I cannot recommend this programme enough. The best thing for me is that it is giving me the tools I need along with the motivation and enthusiasm to keep going and progress even further.

Paul Lavey – HR professional & Animator